Email address not found

We're sorry, your email address could not be located in our database.

For further assistance, please email

Alternativley, you can complete our online form to request a new account.

Password changed successfully

Please click here to return to the login page.

Unable to change password

You are not authorised to change the password for this account. This could be because it's a departmental login.

For further assistance, please email

Please click here to return to the login page.

Unable to change password

An error has occured whilst trying to change your password.

For further assistance, please email

Please click here to return to the login page.

Unable to change password

An error occured when trying to change your password.

For further assistance, please email

Please click here to return to the home page.

Your account has been created

We have sent you a welcome email containing your username and a temporary password. When logging in for the first time, you will be required to change your password.

Please click here to return to the login page.

In the meantime, if you require further assistance,
please email

We could not process your request automatically

The domain name of your email address is not recognised by our system. Our team is investigating, and if we can authenticate your company as a subscriber you will receive an email containing a four digit code to finish the registration process.

In the meantime, if you require further assistance, please email

Account already exists

An account already exists with the email address you supplied.

To change your password, please click here.

If you believe the existing account has been created in error,
please email for further assistance.

PMA are updating client access to our services to enhance client security and to enable new features. You are now required a login with your work email and a password.

If you require an account, please complete our online form.

Send a one time passcode

Remember my username

New user and require details? Please complete our online form for access.

Problems accessing the service?

Enquiries about subscriptions?   Nick Price: +44 (0)20 7420 0340 or

By accessing the service you are deemed to have accepted PMA's Conditions of Supply.

Reset Password

Please confirm your email address.

Change Password

Please complete the details below and click on Submit.

* Your password should be between 6 and 20 characters and must contain at least one number and capital letter.

For further assistance, please email

An email has been sent to containing a 4 digit code

Please enter the code below


If you do not receive the code in a couple of minutes, please use this link
to send a blank email from your corporate email address

We will attempt to verify your account automatically so please try logging in logging in again is a few minutes,
otherwise one of the support team will get back to you during UK office hours (9am – 5pm).

For any other assistance, please email

Request Access to PMA Services

Please submit your details below. Once we have authenticated them, we will email you a username and password

Please note, our services are supplied on an annual subscription basis. Please ensure your organisation has a current subscription otherwise we will be unable to issue you with a username. For further information on our fees and services, please contact Nick Price on: +44 (0)20 7420 0340 or email